Samsung Author Certificate Network Error

Thanks @r.liechty_SDR .

Yes I can create Tizen Author’s Certificate

Yes I have access to different computer and connect that computer to my cellphone hotspot, as a different network. I believe that counts as a different network.

Try it with the mobile hot spot and see if that works for the Samsung one it it works you probably will need to use it for the Distributor Certificate as well.


Well, I think the problem is not in my end.
I tried what you suggested, using my mobile hotspot. It worked for the first time.

Then, I tried for the second time, it doesn’t work. I tried different computer with same mobile hotspot, it doesn’t work.

I think, somewhere some server register my network and not allowing me to create author certificate more than once.

P.S. I cant use the first one, because, as you can see from the picture, I did not use DUID when I create the certificate. Snice it was my first time, I didn’t know I need DUID to create author certificate. I have never reached this level. I did not know you need DUID.

Can you Please help. I’m way behind schedule due to this issue.

My guess this is as setting in your server are you at home or using a work server?

You only need to create an Author’s Certificate one time so make multiple copies and back up on a flash drive or something other than your computer.

You need to be connect to a device to create a distributor certificate so your TV would have to be connected to the same network with developer options enabled when you create the certificate.

When it is connected it will pop up in the list and you just use + to add the DUID if not you need to do it manually

Re-read the documentation on creating a the certificates to see if there is something you did wrong.

Samsung Developer Relations

Thanks @r.liechty_SDR
I followed your advice. Re-read the documentation and followed it dot by dot. I used the already created author certificate and try to create distributor certificate.

I don’t think the issue is in my end. But to test the theory, I’m gone go some place else and use their network and see what will happen. We will see. Fingers crossed.

Well, I did what I setout to do. I went out and used another network. It worked like a charm. The problem was my network all along. Yup, it was my network.

Now, is there any way to fix my network?

I don’t know since it worked on another network that kind of rules out any system settings or port conflicts or virus issues.

You can log into your modem as the admin Look for a setting there or ask your Internet Service Provider about it.

Maybe get a new modem?

You can add a DUID manually if you get another device you might not ever need this again But back up the Author and Distributor p12s to be on the safe side.

Samsung Developer Relations