Hello, My phone needed to be replaced. I have sent this watch face in the past to my Galaxy S3 Classic running Tizen But when I try to run on the device, I get this SBD Command issue.

Is there anything you may be able to help me with… I’m not sure what’s going on. I have updated Java. Made sure my Auth Cert has been updated. But no luck.
please help, thank you in advance.
uninstall Java and go back to the 1.8 version Java 8 64 bit not the 32 bit. The newer ones are hit and miss if they are compatible.
If you updated to GWS 2.0.1 roll back to GWS 2.0.0 The 2.0.1 version does not update the AoD and that may be the missing package.
Rebuild it and then do the run on device.
Remember you will need to accept the RSA encryption key again.
Hope it is as simple at that. There is a big issue and you can’t generate new Distributor Certificates with GWS at this time.