Speedometer-like hour hand

Hi there,
I would like my watch face to look like an old car panel, so I need to make the hour hand jump from 120 to 0 after noon (the 0 to 120 km/h scale will be for 0 to 12 hours, am and/or pm)

Is it possible?


Hello, yes, it is possible. check this thread:

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Solved. Thank you so much Peter.
I’m just starting with this so I didn’t know you could write scripts.
My “speedometer” goes from -36° to 36°, so I used:
([H]>=0)([H]<12)(-36+6*[H]+0.1*[m]) + ([H]>=12)([H]<=24)(-36+6*([H]-12)+0.1*[m])

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Me again,
Now I would like my hour hand not to just jump back to 0 but doing it slowly, moving backwards from 120 to 0 in maybe 1 or 2 seconds. However, there are no milliseconds among the Tag IDs to use in the script.

Is there any other way?
Thanks everybody.

I can imagine solution, using problematic combination of seconds tag sweep motion and condition line.
But I do not want remove GWD to install GWS for testing here. Maybe tomorrow I will be on my other PC.

Meanwhile you could try to zoom in the condition line of your hour hand and hide first two seconds after 00 and after 12. Add a second image with same hand, set its rotation to 36-[s]*36 and check the sweep motion checkbox. Clear its condition line. Zoom in and show its first seconds after 00 and after 12.