Sweep second arm movement is chunky in Preview

15Hz sweeping second arm looks fine on actual watch, but its movement is very chunky in the Preview. Is there a way to improve the preview performance of GWS? I’m trying to record a screen capture of it for marketing materials.

BTW, the movement in Preview is chunky with or without screen capture software running.

HI @X9_Studio,

How chunky it is? Can you share a short video?
I am afraid there’s no explicit way to improve the preview performance of GWS unless closing other running programs to free up enough hardware resources for GWS. It might emphasize the performance a bit.


Maybe you try to reset hand pivot point or your hand should be the inaccurate centre point.

The computer has plenty of power, GWS run preview only use less then 11% of total memory and 12% of CPU. I think GWS Previews / Run emulator is not designed to display complex project that it has to emulate many components.

I hope GWS team can improve the preview performance. Screen recording the Preview emulator really save time for creating marketing materials.


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WOW! It is really a nice design and I can see the issue. However, you may submit a report about it to developer support team.

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