Watch face not available on non-Samsung phones

I honestly could not tell him … I told him there what I did and it worked for me, based on what they had answered me and today I can see my new face in the store from my Android device (Xiaomi redmi note). As an anecdote I tell you that I did not notice that any box or any error was unchecked, so to ensure I did what I told you to uncheck and select again

Correct there is Other Android and Other IOS. Internally there are several “Others” and that is where they were not all selected.

Samsung Developer Relations

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Short update:

Update of the binary device list solved my problem too!

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Had the exact same issue with our app. We were receiving lots of emails from irate customers who could not find the app.

We resubmitted our app with the same binary and re-did the device list but adding the same devices as before. Even explaining in the review notes that the binary was unchanged our app went to device test and after several days was rejected for a feature that we had had for several years! Samsung reviews are so inconsistent and should not be testing app functionality/telling us what features we should have IMO.

Having to go through the process again and hopefully by luck whichever random reviewer we get this time will finally approve and already approved and released binary to resolve the issue :angry:

I’ll try to look into this for you. I’ll send you a private message.

Samsung Developer Relations

Thanks Ron. After contacting support for clarification on the reviewer notes, it seems that it was due to a WPC device getting selected when we re-did the devices list and therefore features that require internet aren’t allowed (although surely the device could still connect to WIFI?).

With regards to this forum topic - the review team don’t seem to know about this problem and directed me that i should check the “Devices other than Samsung (Android)” box, despite this already checked in our previous approved release.

I have resubmitted and hopefully we get approved this time. :crossed_fingers:


I noticed that they changed where you select the WPC (without phone connection) recently. I had a hunch that was the issue.



