“The basic functionality of your app doesn’t work as described. Make sure to test your app on a variety of Wear OS devices and configurations.”
And I’m guessing this is what they are refiring too.
“For example, your application does not provide the same background stripe pattern on square face device as shown/described on the store listing.”
If anyone has experience with this, let me know.
I believe this is a subjective opinion on my design choices, rather then an actual problem, or function of my design. My watch face was designed with a round display in mind. But even on a square face, I would want it to look, and function the same way as it would on a round watch face. I adjusted it, so that a square watch face, would have some kind of background, but it was rejected again, for the same reason.
Anyhow, I’m not sure if they are nip picking my design choice. I hit the you rejected me in error, and made my case, and requested a more detailed explanation on why it was rejected. I’m just waiting on them getting back to me.
On a side note. I haven’t published anything on Google Play in years. Man, have they turned this process, and system into a headache.
Okay. First you have to exclude the “Oppo Watch”. That watch is often a reason for the rejection. You can do this in the Google Play Console.
And check this link here in the Forum:
Ok, I did this, how do you resubmit the app for review after doing this? I’m sorry for being such a newbie.
And thanks for the link.
There’s no need for an apology. We’re all pretty new here.
If you’ve only excluded the clocks in the Play Console, you don’t have to submit anything. This will be changed automatically after a short time. You can see this in the status of your watch face. As soon as the message disappears that the watch face is being checked, the new update is available.
However, if you upload a new build, you have to submit it to the point “Production” “Create new production” for another check. But even then, that shouldn’t take too long. (I have the German version, so I don’t know if it’s called that in the English Play Console)
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Rejected again, for I guess this reason.
“For example, your application does not provide the option to change colors as shown/described on the store listing.”
I have no idea what they are doing. You can clearly change the colors under customize of the app.
Did you explain how to change colors in the description and the graphics?
I didn’t. But I would think it is self-explanatory. I’m going to have to post it, when I get a chance later, how to customize it.
This stuff is so frustrating.
Hi There,
I am a new user for wear os, sorry for disturbing you with my question but i need a way about updating production. I uploaded a watchface and it has some problems about market pictures, i’ve got over them but now i have another problem about square watches and some complications. So fix the problem and removed oppo watch from devices, and created new release changed code and ver. and uploaded and it’s now on google play but at the wear os side it show still rejected. What should i do to change it to in review again. I also couldn’t understand even its a wear os app (watchface) and its rejected but its in google play store 
It may take a few days for Wear OS to be released.
so is it normal , i mean i dont need to do anything extra ?
If everything else is right now: Wear OS = jpeg, square, without text, without clock in the picture (only the screenshot) then all you have to do is wait. When did you update it?
yes everything is ok, today is second day.
On weekends they don’t usually check and on Mondays they catch up on all the work. However, they continue to reject the heart rate…
I don’t think they really test them properly. Another watchface of mine rejected because of “For example, your application does not provide heart rate BPM on square face device as shown/described on the store listing.” but i have already manually excluded oppo watches ! So should i upload a new ver. again or just mail them that i’ve already excluded oppo watches what do you suggest.
In the side menu of the console, select Development> Store presence> Main app info, change something in the description, e.g. insert and remove the space in the name to activate the SAVE button. When you click it, the application will change its status to “To be checked” - without sending a new version.
The naming of the menu tabs may be slightly different, I give my own on the basis of the Polish-language console.
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I did as you mention, in 30 minutes mail come saying your update is live at play store but still rejected at wear os side i think i need to wait a few more days. I have two watch at play store but none of them passed for samsung watch 4 only fossil wear watch Partially supported.
I’m getting really tired of it.
This is my Wear OS screenshot for a watch face with flowing lines in the background. 1: 1 format, jpeg.
This is Google’s rejection:
Publishing status: Rejected
Your app has not been accepted into Wear OS. This does not affect your app’s status on Google Play.
App eligibility issues:
Eligibility Issue
Wear screenshot
Here are some issues we found with your Wear OS screenshots:
- Your app’s Play Store listing provided a non-valid Wear OS screenshot aspect such as 1:1 for circular and square screenshots, and 4:5 for rectangular screenshots
The rejection could be because your screenshot has extra border. Create a screenshot without additional borders. Samsung wants a screenshot that exactly reflects the watch face. No transparency is correct, but your screenshot has additional borders that are not part of the actual WF.
like this. i cropped away roughly the extra border from your screenshot.

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Thanks for your effort. The edge was created because I embedded the original screenshot in a 512x512 px image.
Now I have created a new picture by leaving the screenshot 1: 1 in its size and formarting it directly in jpeg.
I don’t hope Google will criticize the screenshot itself. Since this is an animated background, it doesn’t look so great as a still image or snapshot. Therefore I created a YouTube video in which you can see it better.
I hope that this is now accepted by Google.