Previously submitted request
- Dark UI or Custom WFS Theme. All pure white UI BG is overpowering content colors and causing eye strain.
- cache the AOD check so it does not have to run it each time we build unless AOD is changed
- user/developer set variables like has Facer / Include a variable with a TAG to be designated by the designer
- Styles limit is too low allow more than 5 styles
- Inverse progress bar.
- The ability to add Weather
- Move the timeline / conditions view to bottom like GWS.
- [SC_PER] greater than 100%
- Project notes in WFS
- A tag that for the what is calendar first day of the week 0 if Sunday 1 if Monday
- the ability to move objects/images horizontally and vertically while holding the shift key.
- The ability to add Sounds
- Auto Generate AOD
- Ability to import .PSD (Photoshop Layers) Images.
- Tag to display Day-of Week as two characters e.g. Su, Mo, Tu
- The ability to have more than one instance of WFS open so one can copy and paste between them or save as complication as GWS did.
- Enable Tags for Hex color setting i.e [SC] ? #FFFFFF : #000000
- I would like to automatically display the date format for the European Zone 07/10 or the US Zone 10/07
- Remove Fonts in WFS dialog box
- support for .svg images if allowed by Android
- Let developers choose the order of how customization elements are displayed in the “Customize” menu for each watch face. I’ve received customer feedback multiple times regarding this, all requesting “Color” to be among the first options when opening “Customize” menu, because they’re tired of having to scroll through multiple other options every time.
- Batch add images. Currently, same as in GWD, we can add only one image at a time. Adding lets say 20 images as a tap to change images is time consuming. It would help if we just tagged all 20 images in the explorer and they were added at once.
- Increase image size limit
- Change the rotation direction for the second hand when sweep is selected
- Show option to change all Health/Weather view (When available) sliders like GWS.
- Chronograph support.
- Add Sweep to all image selections
- Gyro effect/style and be able to enable this particular one setting to all selected layers.
- allow animations follow the theme colour,
- add In App Purchase support for Play Store
- language selection to select a whole language group
- Support for otf fonts
- possibility to adjust the arc range of circle that will be filled by 100% of the value range.
- 100% this^ removing the portion of the progress bar not being utilized and a ccw fill option would save so much time.
- Make WFS to name layers based on the name of the graphic file - it will be a massive time saver.
- Is it possible to add Barometer feature on a face ? For example if the value is 760mmhg, I’d like to show a sun icone. So depending on the value of the barometer, the face shows an icone (cloudy, sunny, orage, etc.).
- We need at least some options for tuning the watch face settings menu, at least the type and position of complications, the size and position of the inscriptions, a user-friendly interface for choosing the theme color.
- a tag for the time elapsed since the latest wake-up, maybe in milliseconds, or equivalently, the fixed timestamp of the latest wake-up. These tags would allow the implementation of short one-time animations/transitions
- "Add option to have multiple complication types (SHORT_TEXT, MONOCHROMATIC ICON, SMALL_IMAGE) in one complication spot / element - same as Google Fit watch face does
- Currently working state - only one complication type can be used, means user cannot set RANGED_VALUE type indicator like “chance of rain” in SHORT_TEXT complication spot. Merging multiple complication_types in one element would allow it."
- "Making default color setting “colorful” and making #FFFFFF really white /adding forced white color setting
- This can be harder to explain. Currently, when we select the white color #FFFFFF, an element such as MONOCHROMATIC_ICON or every other element is displayed in color."
- A way to set the background and text to light or dark based on the theme color selected by the user