Say I have a group with a gauge, a hand that rotates with a gauge image and some text.
I have another gauge with pretty much the same things, but want the user to be able to choose which one to use when customizing the watch face. How would I make my watch face customizable?
I see you can customize the complications, but how about the rest? Like changing the background of the watch face or the hands, etc?
You can use the style for changing sets of images (for example hands + bgr.)
You can use action → tap → change media on image element to directly change it by tap
When using white images or in gray scale, you can effectively crossbreed those above with color schemes
Okay thanks, but I can only change the style of something?
Say I want to have a different gauge with different functionality. Like for example, I have a gauge showing indicating the number of month with a number showing it and text saying which month we are.
But I want to change that gauge to the moon phase, so the hand, number and month text should be hidden and show a different gauge and images of the moon phase. So the user can choose what functionality to show. Is that not possible?
For changing displayed data source you would need to use “complications”, but those are limited in what and how they display, really cumbersome.
Sorry, I do not know how to use them properly, I do not have watch with this OS yet.
Maybe once they change mind and extend the scoop of WFS to add user custom tag variables, we will be able to switch whatever component, be it image or data, but they refuse that request for years.
Alright thank you for your help! Hopefully they will change this, would be cool.
I also think there are so many complications on the watch, but so little to implement in the software.
Would be cool if they added more so we could create more hands and gauges according to things every watch has. I’m sure there are more than just time and moon phases.
if the data source are simple data source, such as date, battery, moon phase you could use tag expression to replace the “Complications” ,
as for now unless there is a Boolean configuration you can only used masking and transparent image as one of the options.
there is another some what similar topic on how use masking.
P.S masking doesn’t work for complication. only way is to set complication to empty to make it “hidden”
This was pretty much what I was looking for! Thanks!
How should I declare a variable for a toggle tap action?
I consulted ChatGPT, and they suggested starting by declaring a variable to switch between multiple animated background themes."
Let me know if this works!
Images and Animations can be changed with a Tap Action but there is no associated Variable .
Not sure if this is what you mean .
Chat GPT can miss lead you as it conciders all the Watch making Platforms .
Hey @russellcresser ,
I want to switch from the 1st animated sequence to the 2nd animated sequence. Is this possible?
Can you help me understand how to use Tap Action to change from the 1st animated background sequence to the 2nd animated background sequence?
I think the action on Animation is exclusive . But you may be able to run one without the Tap action with the one above having the Tap Action .
Can this happen if I can’t use animations? That the multiple font style can be changed on tap action. like when i tap on watchfce 1st font style change of time and again tap 2nd font style change of time.
OK . So I made a test for Animations . But you are not talking about that now .
You can swap a small image to cover one time and another .
No. I need to change both - animation and font style option at the one watchface
You will have to post an image that shows a little of what you are trying to do . Your description is not a very good briefing . A written Brief is often a good Idea but it has to be very descriptive .
Great explanation of how to set up a tap feature.
I’m struggling to wrap my head around how this can be used?
Say i have Style Theme - an image (outline, fill or none)
That works because its at a lower layer than complications that are laid on top.
How does a Tap coexist with a complication? A complication when “tapped” launches the app?
I suppose if the Tap feature was not on top of a complication that it could change an image for the user. How does the user know to “tap here”? Great for us that create the watches… But how do we convey this feature to a user?
Throwing it out there for disucussion
Similarly, implement the ability to switch between various font styles with a tap.
Note that the tap sensitive area always works for the top most tap enabled layer. So if you want image being tap sensitive while it is laying below tap sensitive complication, you have to extend its area (can even be transparent) outside the complication size and instruct user in description where to tap to reach it. User does not need to know why is that, just where to tap to do things.
Also check this guide, if tap switching is not what you expected
This is for animated background… Is it possible to create a custom watch face?