I can't press verify on the reCAPTCHA window!

I cannot scroll down to hit the button!!!

It used to be an issue where you really could scroll down it just didn’t look right. Try the mouse wheel of if you have a touch screen see if you can use that.

If you can’t do that either try setting your default browser to Chrome if it isn’t already and Edge if it is already Chrome. Do not use Mozilla

Let us know if you have any luck

Samsung Developer Relations

That didn’t work. I still cannot scroll down to hit verify. I can still press the pictures though.

What is your Operating System and what default Browser are you using?


Hi ,

I had exactly the same problem. This happened in the Galaxy Watch Studio Software in Windows 10 pro 64.
The default brower was Firefox. When I changed it to Edge, it worked fine.

Thanks for your help.


I found out that the Captcha version updated and isn’t compatible with older browsers. I had to use Edge for a 3rd party site on Windows 10 a few months ago. The same Chrome version in Windows 11 worked.


I got it working by using tab to guess what i am selecting. if you get lucky, you hit the submit button.

I can’t even get past the “Sign in” button as of today to login to my account. The button effectively does nothing to advance the page. I cannot advance any further past entering my account password. The “Sign in” button does not perform any function or advance the page to login to my account at all. I have even tried logging into my Google account (it spins and never completely connects) and I’ve also tried creating a brand new developer account. Nothing allows you to gain access to the account. I have tried on 3 different computers: Windows 11 ARM, Windows 10 x64, and macOS trying out 3 different browsers set as default: Chrome, Edge, and Internet Explorer x64. Once again, nothing works to allow for login. Can someone from Samsung support please help?

I can’t even get past the “Sign in” button as of today to login to my account.

I don’t think you have scrolled down to the “I am not a Robot” it doesn’t show until the very bottom of the log in page and you don’t seem to be scrolled all the way.

I had one person tell me they just pressed the tab key and pressed enter several times and finally the sign in worked.

But I may be wrong can you verify it does not scroll down any farther.

I have tried on 3 different computers: Windows 11 ARM, Windows 10 x64, and macOS trying out 3 different browsers set as default: Chrome, Edge, and Internet Explorer x64. Once again, nothing works to allow for login. Can someone from Samsung support please help?

If it isn’t just you didn’t scroll all the way down then this is most likely a proxy or Firewall issue on your server and not much Samsung can do about it. But let me know and I’ll try it from my home computer later today. (Samsung Firewalls won’t allow me to connect to my watch).

Samsung Developer Relations

Hey Ron, I can verify that there is no reCAPTCHA beneath. I’ve also tried pressing tab and enter in lieu of clicking. Does not work.

I have verified that GWS uses an Internet Explorer internal browser within the program itself which could be the cause for everyone’s issue trying to login. I found the source code for that login page and I copied it and pasted it into a true Internet Explorer browser with the same results. That page link does work on edge and chrome. Even setting the default browser to edge or chrome for the entire operating system does not fix the issue. GWS still launches Internet explorer within the app itself.

If we can’t hack into the files to change the internal browser inside of GWS, I would suppose that an updated Beta will need to be released to remove Internet Explorer from the app.

Galaxy Watch Studio is not supported anymore. I’ll report it as a bug but I doubt it gets any attention.

I think there is a hack you can do, download Tizen Studio and and use the device manager to create a distributor certificate. You need to install the Watch Tools and certificate extension. I think it should work. I have to update Tizen Studio it has an issue with my Windows 11 computer so let me know if that doesn’t work for you.

Samsung Developer Relations


Hey Ron, I successfully created a distributor certificate using Tizen Studio. How do I apply the certificate file to Galaxy Watch Studio?

back the Gaxaxywatchdesigner\keystore folder up first

Going on memory here

I believe the certificates you generated with Tizen has the same .p12 files .csr and password files in that folder.

I think you can then just replace the files in the GWD\Keystore p12 files with the new ones you generated. If for some reason that didn’t work i.e. you changed the password try replacing all the files from the new Tizen Studio keystore folder into the GWD folder.

Let me know how this works. In theory it should work fine.

Samsung Developer Relations

Hey Ron, I replaced all the files in the tizen/keystore folder, but the program is still prompting me to login to Samsung for the developer certificate.

In other news, I managed to manually sideload my watchfaces onto my Galaxy Watch 3 using the Fit2Installer via the command prompt on Windows. I suppose users wanted to sideload apps for the Fit 2 watch, however I can confirm that this works brilliantly with the Galaxy Watch3.

Thankfully you recommended that I generate a new distribution certificate using Tizen Studio so those files came in handy for this sideloading method. I had to connect my watch again to Tizen Studio in order to accept the RSA fingerprint on my watch screen. Then I disconnected my watch from Tizen Studio and reconnected to my watch’s IP address via the Fit2Installer connect.bat file using the Windows command prompt. I dropped all of my developer and author certificates into the /cert folder. I had most of my watchface tpk files still saved from when I had my old watch so I was able to drop them into the Fit2Installer folder called /sign_me. Then I ran sign.bat, entered my distribution password, and then the sign.bat file created newly signed .tpk files located in the /install_me folder. Then I ran the install.bat file and the watchface tpk files were pushed onto my watch one-by-one. Once I rebooted my watch, all of the watchfaces appeared!

Here’s the link to the full instructions on Fit2Installer on the XDA forum with download links for the Fit2Installer app: [HOWTO] Sign and sideload Tizen applications to the Gear Fit2 (from Windows) | XDA Forums

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thanks for the information. I’ll see if there is any other work arounds that are easier.

I’ll ask to raise the issue priority.

Samsung Developer Relations

I’m closing this topic.

Please post all certificate and run on device discussion in This Topic

Samsung Developer Relations