Watch Face Studio Feature Requests Q3 22 (continued)

@sinjae @r.liechty_SDR

Feature request:
Complication tags

We currently have 8 complications limit. What about assigning a number from 1 to 8 to each complication and use these complication tags for detecting if complication is set or not? (empty)
Number allocation would work automatically for n number of complications.

New tags:

Tag values = 0 / 1 (boolean)

Based on this feature, we could move or set opacity for entire components or elements.

Example 1: Set image opacity based on complication set.

Example 2: Center align one from two complications if other one is not set


I think this could be quite simple to implement and again it would bring new design opportunities. As an extension, it would also be nice to have these tags in the form of a timeline. (Hiding elements from timeline is less resource hungry as turning alpha to 0%)


Could it be possible to add a way to

  1. apply the color white to a textured image (ex bitmap font in ambiant mode)
  2. set the android_wear_capabilities in the build param
  3. choose the click zone on a complication (ex a curved text on the corner of the face takes 1/4 of the screen)
  4. group style (ex : with 3 sets to enable bg on complication. to have one entry “background complication” on main level and then 3 entries on a sublevel)


  • apply the color white to a textured image (ex bitmap font in ambiant mode)

No that is a bitmap and the designer sets the colors You can have a semi opaque image over it that has tha effect.

  • set the android_wear_capabilities in the build param

If I understand what you mean this is what you have to do in the Play Console

  • choose the click zone on a complication (ex a curved text on the corner of the face takes 1/4 of the screen)

Put a transparent image over that for your button

  • group style (ex : with 3 sets to enable bg on complication. to have one entry “background complication” on main level and then 3 entries on a sublevel)

I did something like this in a watch I have 3 tap to change images for the sub level (gradient images) then I have 5 styles. Would that work for you?

Samsung Developer Relations

Hi Ron
Thanks for your quick answer

  • apply the color white to a textured image (ex bitmap font in ambiant mode)

I have a golden font with granular texture I wanted it to be able to have only white in ambiant like we can do with the colors other than white (for now I juste duplicated my font)

  • set the android_wear_capabilities in the build param

it is a property in the wear apk that allow the phone companion app to know if it is installed so it needs to be on the wfs side (maybe it already exist I couldn’t find it)

  • choose the click zone on a complication (ex a curved text on the corner of the face takes 1/4 of the screen)
    I tried adding a big transparent image & shape with action none on top of the complication but they still takes 1/4 of the watch and when I click in the middle it open the complication on the exterior

  • group style (ex : with 3 sets to enable bg on complication. to have one entry “background complication” on main level and then 3 entries on a sublevel)

I have 3 complications if I do all the combination : 1 style w 8 choices or 3 styles w 2 choices
The 1st one is not very user friendly and the second one makes complication settings pretty far
that is why I wondered if it was possible to add a kind of multi layer style

One more question / request
with several bitmap font is there a way to allow the user to switch ?


I have a golden font with granular texture I wanted it to be able to have only white in ambiant like we can do with the colors other than white (for now I juste duplicated my font)

You would need to do this manually by having two clocks and hide one in AOD and the other is hidden in Active settings.

I have a golden font with granular texture I wanted it to be able to have only white in ambiant like we can do with the colors other than white (for now I juste duplicated my font)

My understanding that if you specify an App ID and it is not installed on your watch it will open the Play Store on your phone and tell you to check your phone. I’ve never tried it maybe someone else can assist on that.

For the multiple complications I believe that would need to be done by the firmware.

with several bitmap font is there a way to allow the user to switch ?

I think I understand it I’ll add it for a suggestion.


add more sensors in tag expressions (like barometer, light sensor etc.)

I think this is out of the philosophy of Wear OS 3 user interface but I can suggest it.

Samsung Developer Relations