Watch Face Studio Feature Requests

No, I am using Win PC, and I see you have the glitch only in small preview window, while I have it in all of them.

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HI Peter,

I could duplicate this with the example you sent. Iā€™m thinking it may be the width of your progress bar. Iā€™ll try to play with it later today.


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Hi Peter,

Can you submit this as a bug or should I? If you want me to report it Iā€™ll user your project in the report.
I think it is a WFS bug since it draws fine as a round cap or the cap is at the start (the third one)

Samsung Developer Relations

Hi Ron,
Would you please send the bug? I cant see there a bug reporting form, only support.
I do not have a watch I could try it on, nor do I intend to develop the example any further nor publish it. I actually only stumbled upon it, while trying to describe workaround for something else, to help the feature request.
Watch face hobbyist

I will send the report in.


Can we open multiple instances of watch face studio (WFS) and copy paste across them, say from one watch face project open in the first WFS to other project open in 2nd WFS?

If not, can we add this as a feature request? Thank you.

You cannot open multiple instances on the same user account. You can export the project to create a second version and go back and forth.

I can suggest it but I donā€™t know how useful it would be. You are able to copy components from one design to another (or new) project.

Samsung Developer Relations

Samsung Developer Relations

I donā€™t remember if there was a request, but I have a request for user/developer variables. For example like has Facer

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This feature is useful especially when you want to copy-paste only few components and donā€™t want to export and modify entire project.

The other reason I am asking for this is due to this bug WFS 1.0.12 project not building. I donā€™t want to start from scratch for my watch face design in version 1.0.12 and would like to just copy paste from existing project created in 1.0.3.

Iā€™ve suggested it, I agree it would be very useful. I can think of a dozen ways it would be great to have and a dozen roadblocks to implementing it.

Facer has it because they have a companion app on the mobile controlling it. I donā€™t think they have it with any standalone watch faces at least they donā€™t with Tizen.

Samsung Developer Relations

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I was told they have duplicated the build with no warning issue and they are investigating further.

If I understand correctly exiting WFS and creating a new keystore folder or workspace will fix the issue.
I just noticed that in the other thread hs619.choi was working with you. Be sure to tell him that you are on a Mac not Windows and if you still have an older WFS version installed.

Samsung Developer Relations

Yes. He provided the workaround for the issue. Thank you.


We are able to create customize AOD graphics. But on the watch when you wanna change the styles in the customization menu. The preview always just show the default view and not the AOD view.

Are there any plans to add some kind of an AOD preview there? (On the watch)

Matze :v:t2:

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As I understand non-customized AODā€™s is on purpose. It would need a platform change not WFS.

Samsung Developer Relations

Please allow to generate or export projects into Android studio.
That works be take helpful.

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There is an alternative to Watch Face Designs for Android Developers I think that might be a solution for you.

Samsung Developer Relations

100% this^ removing the portion of the progress bar not being utilized and a ccw fill option would save so much time.


Another nice to have feature:

Make WFS to name layers based on the name of the graphic file - it will be a massive time saver.

Thank you in advance :smiley:


Feature requests:

  • Let developers choose the order of how customization elements are displayed in the ā€œCustomizeā€ menu for each watch face.

  • Adding ā€œinfinite scrollā€ to the Customize menu wold make it easier to navigate.

For instance, ā€œColorā€ is always second to last (if there are customizable complications), but itā€™s one of the most often used options for colorful watch faces.
Iā€™ve received customer feedback multiple times regarding this, all requesting ā€œColorā€ to be among the first options when opening ā€œCustomizeā€ menu, because theyā€™re tired of having to scroll through multiple other options every time.

If this canā€™t be implemented, then the ā€œinfinite scrollā€ would help with navigating through the menu, getting to colors and complications faster.


GWS and
Samsung Galaxy Apps Team,
How do we add sound or music to a watch face?